You’re Engaged…Now What?

So you're finally engaged and probably on cloud 9 but we know you have some work to do to prepare for you your big day! Here is just a few things to keep in mind throughout your engagement and will definitely help you achieve the wedding of your dreams!



1. Start dreaming about your wedding 

 Sit down with your partner and start thinking about what you both want your wedding to look like and things you wish to include in it. Put together some Pinterest boards to keep your ideas organized or even create a binder full of all your weddings dreams! 


2. Set a budget

 This is the least fun part but it's good to keep a budget and to plan things according to that budget. Make sure you have a set budget before signing with any vendors. And it's always a great idea to leave a little extra wiggle room in the budget just in case.  

3. Take engagement photos 

It's a good idea to schedule your engagement photo shoot early. Engagement photos are also a good oopurtunity to work with your wedding photographer and to get comfortable with their style and lens. 


4. Choose your vendors 

Choose your vendors as soon as possible to insure you book them for your wedding! 


5. Choose a date and venue

Once you know how many people are on your guest list, you can start deciding where and when you would want your wedding. Go prepared with questions and make sure you take pictures of the venues.  


6. Create a guest list

Now it's time to create a guest list. Make sure you have a set budget and will be able to afford the venue with your guest count. 


7. Stay organized  

There are many ways to stay organized while planning out your wedding. A few good ways is a wedding checklist, a wedding planning binder or even just create your own Pinterest boards.


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